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Protected Species (EPS) Mitigation Licences


If protected species such as bats or great crested newts are present on a development site and would be disturbed or harmed by the proposed activity, a mitigation licence from Natural England or Natural Resources Wales may be required to allow the lawful progression of the development.


The licence document grants derogation from the legal protection these animals are afforded to allow the proposed development to proceed, providing a suitable mitigation/compensation strategy is in place and agreed between Natural England/Natural Resources Wales and the Licensee (client/landowner).


In order to obtain a licence an application has to be submitted to the relevant public body. The application requires an ecologist who is a Natural England/Natural Resources Wales license holder to be the named ecologist on the licence. The named ecologist either has to provide references to prove they have sufficient experience working with the species in question or refer to previous mitigation licences held.  


We  can provide guidance on obtaining mitigation licences and complete the application process on behalf of our clients for the following species: 


  • Bats (all species)

  • Dormice

  • Great Crested Newts

  • Natterjack Toads

  • Otters

  • Smooth Snake and Sand Lizard



Licences are only issued once planning permission has been obtained and must be consistent with the plans approved by the local authority.    


If you would like to discuss how we can help obtain an EPS licence, please do not hesitate to contact us.  

Greater horseshoe bats
Great crested newts
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